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For the incoming College Freshman from a UGA first-year student

If you are new here – hi I’m Rylee! I am a first-year (also a Junior) at the University of Georgia with an intended major in Marketing and Emerging New Media with a minor in Communications. I moved to Athens a month early to participate in THRIVE, which is a summer program that is a semester’s worth of class in 4 weeks to better prepare students for college. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!

Attending UGA has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl, and sweet Jesus placed this dream of mine in my heart at a young age and I am so grateful to be living that dream out now. As I type this, I am at home in my childhood room reflecting on how crazy life changes. It feels so good to be home with my family and recharge before the Fall semester sneaks up!

I am so glad that I participated in THRIVE at UGA – if you get the opportunity to do so, I say DO IT! I was a little hesitant to commit simply because I would be cutting my last summer at home in half, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing! If you have any questions about THRIVE, reach out on IG @theryleewright and I would be happy to chat and answer any questions.

Here are a few things that I have learned thus far at UGA:

  • UGA red app will be your life saver to find buildings and classes. Sometimes Apple Maps doesn’t have the exact building but the general area and you will get lost. With that being said, walk and track your classes before your first day! It gave me such peace of mind on the first day – especially if you’re like me and have a fear of being late even though you show up 30 minutes early to every event. LOL.
  • Buy the pillows, but just know they will live on your floor.
  • Rolling laundry basket is essential, especially if you don’t have a washer/dryer on the same floor as your room. (here’s the link)
  • Bring enough clothes, I packed condensed and had to go shopping one week in.
  • If there’s one pair of shoes you bring, let it be tennis shoes. A comfortable pair at that! I highly recommend Hoka’s or Brooks for walking, etc. On Clouds are more of a casual/cute shoe. The comfort level is not as good as either two in my opinion. Here’s the link to my favorite tennis shoes. I walk anywhere from 6-10 miles a day, so trust me when I say investing in good shoes is worth it.
  • Google Calendar is gonna be your BFF! If you have not adapted a planner into your life, I highly suggest to start ASAP. Trello is also a software that students at THRIVE introduced to me, and I am loving it so far!
  • Yes it’s true, don’t buy the $.50 target plates and cups, you will not want to walk to the kitchen to wash them. I know this from experience 🙂
  • Probably the most important thing you should take away from this is to bring the appropriate medications and products to prevent you from getting sick. Two weeks after move-in, I was sick with a sinus infection and it was definitely not fun. Get an air purifier, cleaning supplies, etc! The amount of dust that accumulates over a few days is insane. Do the steps now, so that you won’t be sick later on.
  • Make good relationships with your instructors/professors! Not only will this help you in the class now – it will help you later in life, too!
  • If the class goes hybrid, or class attendance becomes optional. Like mine did:) Don’t ghost the class and then reach out to them begging for help. If you are able to go, GO! Your professor will respect that you show up even when you don’t have to and they will more than likely help you succeed.

I cannot even believe that I move back at the end of the week to begin recruitment and then the Fall semester is here in a little over a week! I am taking 6 classes, say a prayer for me! Let’s do this UGA, I can’t think of any better way to enjoy this season of life than to be in Athens for the next few years of my life.

If you are in Athens ever, please reach out to me on IG @theryleewright — I would love to meet up and make a new friend! Stay up to date with my college life and all things life on IG and FB! Sending you all so much love in this season of life. Here’s to new opportunities and new blessings! GOOOOOOOOOOO DAWGS!