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No one talks about these things in college

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Lord, I pray that this touches someone tonight and if anything helps them feel like they are not alone in this season of life. When everything around us changes, God, you remain the same. 

I’m going to be honest because that’s what I do. If you come across this as you procrastinate school work – don’t worry I am writing this when I should be reading case studies for Entrepreneurship:) WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! This was laid on my heart as I started my day and I wanted to hurry and share! I am writing to, quite honestly, whoever needs to hear it but these are a few things I wish I knew before I made it to college almost five months ago. So maybe this is to the future college freshman or the college freshman who’s living it with me in hopes to feel like someone else is going through some of the same things, too. Either way, I’m your girl. 


Success in college isn’t measured the same as success in high school. What do you mean Rylee? Straight A, Top 5 in your class? The reality is, you’re going to fail a lot of assignments. Homecoming queen? Best in your sport? None of that matters now, we are all on the same playing field. It can be a culture shock to some, but it gives you a taste of the real world. I am honestly thankful for pageantry because I learned how to lose gracefully, otherwise, I’d be really shocked.

There is a kind of anxiety that fills your body when you can’t even walk out of your dorm room to start the day. It’s real, and it consumes many of my days. You are not alone, friend. 

I don’t know about other schools, but I do know that UGA is hard. No, like it’s hard. The classes aren’t easy. The professors don’t settle. However, there are resources and help, so do not be scared to ask for it. I know what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but geez, it’s been hard to adapt to change. I went to a small public school in South GA, nothing prepared me for this. You have to study. You have to put in the work, but sometimes even that isn’t good enough. I have had to preach to myself that I am not defined by my grades because if I was I’d, sure enough, be a failure. Sometimes I feel like one, too. But at the end of the day, I remind myself whose I am, and He says I am worthy of all things good. 

When you’re filled with so much worry that you look forward to getting in your bed at the end of a long day because that’s the only time your mind is shut off. Does anyone else relate or I am crazy for feeling this way? Gosh! And on the topic of sleeping… From the girl who never took naps prior to college, you sleep when you can, where you can. Even if it’s at noon in a lecture room while you are waiting for class to begin. You sleep even if you have just five minutes! 

You grow up a lot! There are firsts that force you to be an adult. Firsts without your parents running to the rescue to help you, and even if they can, they still aren’t with you holding your hand like they could if you were back home. You have to face it head-on & make decisions that you don’t want to make. This has been where I’ve seen a lot of growth in myself. I remember calling my mom the other day about something and the way I approached the situation, I realized that I wouldn’t have done it that way a couple of months ago. I am more aware of not just myself, but other people. My priorities aren’t the same they used to be.

There are so many more people to connect with that love the Lord and live for Him, instead of what you think a college town is filled with. I am talking about party culture. By no means am I saying that it isn’t happening or that’s all I am surrounded by, what I am saying is you do not have to feel pressured to do what looks to be cool or fun to please others. I have struggled with this and had to do a lot of praying on this one. You have to dig a little deeper and look beyond downtown Athens and frat parties, but when you find those people and communities, that’s a true blessing in itself. 

Their race is not your race. And if we think about that, is it really even a race? Graduated by 22, married by 24, kids right after… we have had this plan to do and do, but what happens when our plan doesn’t work out? Reminder to you and myself, His plan is greater than we can imagine. 

Doing everything that *needs* to be done, doing it 100% and not being able to do things that you *want* to do. Truth is, no one really knows a happy balance between doing life and enjoying life! I’ve really struggled with this. I am still struggling with this! It also doesn’t help that I am a grandma and love alone time! 

Dorm life is as bad as everyone talks about, but it’s also so much better than everyone says, too. You won’t have your friends as your neighbors next year to say “Hey, let’s go grab lunch!” Or “You down for a Milly run in 10?” Embrace living in a box with your roommate and being just steps away from some really amazing people. It’s only a year, but you can make it the best year. You were surrounded by these people for a reason, be a witness to them and love on them. 

To wrap all of my thoughts together, looking back one year ago, I was filled with anxiety as I was applying to my DREAM school and one year later, I am deep in the first year feels at my dream school. Side note – I actually think that on this day, I submitted my EA Application. WOAH! Crazy what can happen in just one year, right?! I was anxious then and I am anxious now, but the girl I was this time last year… I don’t recognize her. The girl I was 4 months ago… I can’t put into words how much I have changed. Here’s what I have faced – you will be anxious many of your days but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy, embrace, and be excited about everything that God has to offer in your life. As you walk to your 8 AM class in the morning, remember that this once was your dream to be here, and now you’re here. That alone is pretty incredible, not to mention your perseverance to keep going even when things are messy and hard. Do you wonder why you have changed so much since you first rolled up that cart of 18 years of your life into your dorm at the beginning of the semester? Because you kept going when things got hard. I’m proud of you. I can’t change the past, and I can’t regret it but I can be thankful for the lessons learned and growth earned. Always here for you, Go DAWGS! 

Xoxo – Ry

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Regan Tanner

    Rylee, my name is Regan… Adalyn’s mom. I just shared this with our small moms group. Our girls are seniors and our girls need this. They are likely already reading your blog. Thank you for sharing and keep going!! I am so proud of you.
    Your mama did good, girl!!!

    1. #iLikeMe

      You are too kind! Xo

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